Published Aug 22, 2024
Video and transcript: Narduzzi on the end of camp
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Chris Peak  •  Panther-lair

Pat Narduzzi held his final press briefing of training camp on Thursday and talked about the progress of the team and a lot more. Here's video of what he said.

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Narduzzi: Got the sun out, beautiful fall day. This is really our last, I don't want to say work day before the season starts, but today is a work day. We've got a picture day later this afternoon. Just go out there and take some pictures, get that team photo, which is a tradition here at the end of camp. Rehearsal scrimmage tomorrow at Acrisure and then get into game week. And don't forget the kickoff lunch tomorrow.

They get the weekend off?

Narduzzi: They get Saturday, we practice Sunday. So we're back in, getting a good practice in on Sunday. They get Saturday.

You said yesterday about getting to that point at camp where you just need to get through it overall. How do you feel that camp has been?

Narduzzi: Yeah, Jeff, I think it's been a great camp. I look back at where we've been so far, and like I said, I love our kids' attitude. That's the main thing. We just watch how hard they're working. They've got a business-like attitude right now. You just watch them, and it's like they're going to work. So I like the attitude, and I feel good with where we are. Like I said, August 31st, you get to find out really where you are, and then I know we'll make our best improvements from game one to game two.

How much does this team police itself versus other teams that you've coached?

Narduzzi: Police themselves on the details and all those things? I think I'm the police officer and the sheriff in town. I don't know if teams police themselves like they used to back when I played. As a matter of fact, my old trainer is here from Rhode Island. But it's not like it used to be, and it's never going to be like it used to be. I think leadership starts at the top, and they'll police it.

I'll tell you a new thing we've done. So when you talk about policing, the locker room. I'm like a stickler for the locker room. As a matter of fact, I showed them a PowerPoint last night of what this building used to look like when I got here. Because we talked yesterday about gratitude and being thankful for what we have. That was kind of our focus yesterday.

So just being grateful for what we have. And when I got here, Chancellor Gallagher and now Chancellor Gable has given us the ability to have. I don't know if you guys have even been in the new locker room. Maybe EJ should give you a damn tour. But I think he would.

What we used to have and what we have now, just being grateful for that kind of stuff. And I've kind of lost my train of thought of where the heck we were going with that.

Do you have positions cleaning up?

Narduzzi: Did you hear something like that?

You have it on the boards in there.

Narduzzi: That's where I was going. So new locker room. Take care of your house. Take care of your stuff there. Our guys have done an unbelievable job of keeping it. Every night, a different position is policing the locker, making sure it's clean. It's been the best it's ever been. So they've done a good job there. But it's like I wanted them to do it for years. And then we'd go down at the end of the night and take pictures. Well, now, if you're in charge of the D-line, you're going down there.

I shouldn't say in charge. They'll pick, hey, you're the last one in. Make sure you take pictures. They take pictures of it. And we've been detailed that way. They take great pictures, and they clean it up.

And you know what? If Jerry's locker's messed up or his helmet's turned the wrong way, you're going to fix it for him, take a picture, send it to Jerry, and say, Jerry, get your crap together. I'm not your custodian. I'm not your housewife or househusband, whatever it may be. So, you know, done things like that. So they police that. But, you know, the other things, I just got to stay on those details and remind them all the time.

Have you ever done those pictures before?

Narduzzi: We do pictures. I always get pictures in the key room, but it's usually us taking it. And I haven't had any bad pictures. So they're taking care of it themselves, which is good. Every night, different groups got it and will continue. That's the first time we did it. And it's been great. So they have policed the locker, I guarantee you that.

Do you have an idea of who your two best defensive tackles are at this point?

Narduzzi: You know what? You know, the consistency part of it, and I think it's good at a point. Like, I wish I could nail down a couple and tell you. I could give you a clue maybe who the top four are right now. And it comes on a daily basis. But, you know, I'd probably refrain from doing that. But, like, every day it's somebody better or different, I should say. Like, you know, one day, like, Jerry plays really well, you know, good. And then Jeff, you know, ends up, you know, having a great day. And it's like, you know, you hope on game day you get the best of Jerry, right? You want to get them both playing really good on game day. So you hope that's what you end up getting.

But, you know, I'm happy with where they are in there. I mean, Nick James and Nakhi, Anthony Johnson's done a nice job. You know, the guy that you're a little bit shocked at is, you know, Francis Brewu. There's one guy I didn't mention. Nick James, Nakhi.


Narduzzi: You know, Sean, of course. But, you know, there's one other one besides Sean that I'm forgetting. But the guy that-


Narduzzi: Who?

Neal. Ghost.

Narduzzi: Ghost has been solid.

The guy that's been surprising that I was going to get to, and I hate to forget who that is. But the guy that's, like, every day. Like, yesterday he had a heck of a day. It was Francis Brewu. Like, this dude just plays a great technique. He's strong as an ox.

And, you know, he was on the scout field the first day. I heard some of the offensive linemen say, yeah, he won't be here long. So when they got respect of the older guys, something like that, it means something.

So, you know, I've been happy with where they are.

This is the first year that you've been able to have unlimited coaches on the field during camp. How has that worked out for you?

Narduzzi: It’s been great. It's been great. You know, that takes one thing off my plate where I don't have to worry about it. That means, you know, like I've told our guys that are doing, you know, different things. You know, they're allowed now to coach them. Even if it's, you know, like Oren Wilson's here, you know, former guy that played D-tackle for me at Michigan State that knows our D-line. I mean, he knows the defense. He's played in the defense.

That's just, you know, one example. But, you know, Alex Kline's done an unbelievable job. It's a chance for them if they're in recruiting to get their hands in coaching. You know, they'll have duties on game day as well. But it just gives you more opportunities for these kids to get coached and get input from somebody else instead of, you know, in the past they've had to be cheerleaders. And I've had to snap on guys when they start to coach a little bit out there at practice.

Now I don't have to police that, right? So one less thing I have to do is police our coaches to make sure they're not coaching or picking a ball up and throwing it to somebody because you can't do that in the past. But now you can.

What corners have you separated themselves?

Narduzzi: You know what? The separation, yeah, I'd say it's similar to, I think it's similar to, you know, what you're seeing with the D-tackle. It's hard to - you have up days, bad days. You got all these bumps and bruises as you come through camp. We're going to find out separation on game day.

But, you know, you know, I mentioned some D-linemen already, but obviously Ryland Gandy. Obviously, you know, Ryland Gandy. Tamon, Gandy, Battle has played really well. You know, excited about him, keep him healthy. Can't wait to see 15 out there. You know, Crumpley's done a nice job. Noah Biglow. Again, the good thing is I'm not telling you I have two, and we don't have four or five. Then we'll find out how much we can trust them on game day.

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