basketball Edit

Capel: 'That's who we are'

MORGANTOWN, W.Va — Pitt head coach Jeff Capel guided his team to an 80-63 win over West Virginia on Wednesday night. It was Capel’s first win over the Mountaineers in five tries and following the game he discussed the win and what it means for his team. Here is a complete transcript of everything he had to say.

Capel: First and foremost, I’m really, really proud of my team to show fight and resiliency, togetherness. Guys made big plays throughout the whole game. I can talk about every one of them because every one of them stepped in and did some huge things, whether it was Jorge taking two charges. Jaland Lowe coming in and giving us a spark offensively and creatively. Guillermo, stepping out and making some threes. I thought those guys, he and Federiko, did a really good job of battling Edwards. Obviously this guy to my left (Hinson) making nine threes and what he did. Bub giving us the stuff he did, but I thought the guy that changed the game was Will (Jeffress). It’s a testament because it doesn't show up as far as points, but what he did to give us energy defensively, rebounding. He was a connector. He was an unbelievable communicator. He showed grit and toughness and it really, really helped us be better. They only had five free-throws in the second half, so we did a really good job of defending without fouling and then we did a good job on Slazinski. I think he only had six points in the second half, got a couple late from the free-throw line. But a big part of that was what Will was able to do defensively. Really proud of my team. I thought we took a step forward today to be able to come on our first road game in a hostile environment and to perform this way, especially with what we were able to do in the second half. I thought it was huge.

Was the outside shot the focus coming in or when they started falling did you just keep going with it?

Capel: Well, that’s who we are. I think we can shoot the basketball. We haven't shot it well in the last four games, but this is more of who I think we can be. More importantly, I thought we did a really good job of moving the basketball and sharing. In the first half, we missed some and we got some clean looks. We want to take good shots, generate good shots, and we live with the results. Obviously this guy had it going, G had it going, Bub got it going there for a little bit. So we were able to, with his nine, make a lot today.

With 15 minutes to go in the game you guys had 36 points on three-pointers then all the sudden you went on a two-point streak of scoring. Was that intentional?

Capel: Yea we wanted to drive. We found something that was working for us and we were able to go to it. Ish was able to get downhill and generate some plays at the basket. Some other guys were able to drive. Again, we just tried to take what the defense gave us.

How much of Leggett’s presence played a factor in that?

Capel: It was huge. He’s a guy that can drive and create. He’s a really good free-throw shooter and in that moment, we didn’t want to settle. We saw how they were playing the ball screens and we thought that we could get some things out of that and we were able to capitalize.

Going back to something Blake said…he said, ‘We needed a win’ and going back to the first half they closed on a big run and got the crowd into it…What changed from there?

Capel: Well I thought we had done a good job in the first half for the first 16 minutes and 30 seconds and I think we were up seven and in the last 3:44, they scored 11 points. Really, it was Slazinski. He was able to drive by us. Our ball screen defense wasn’t with the force that’s required. We gave up the middle drive, put him on the foul line for an and one and we didn’t make shots during that stretch. We walked about at halftime about getting off to a good start. We knew we would have the basketball and we would try to come out and get going offensively, but more importantly stringing together some stops and we were able to do that, but more importantly we were able to sustain it throughout the second half.

The rebounding numbers were close, but do you feel like you did a good job defensively on the glass?

Capel: I do. We knew coming in that this would be a game that perhaps our fives may not get defensive rebounds because we wanted them blocking Edwards out. We talked about other guys are going to have to rebound because it’s going to take a lot to keep him off the glass. He was a guy coming into this game averaging four offensive rebounds. So I thought we did a heck of a job of only limiting him to two. Then Will coming in there and rebounding and our guards got in there and rebounded. Obviously in the first half we didn’t have Ish for 18 minutes and he’s been one of our better rebounders. But I thought we did a good job.

You said this team needed a win, what does this win mean for your team?

Capel: It’s huge. When you’ve lost two in a row at home and for us this is our first time on the road in someone else’s environment, not a neutral court game. It’s a rivalry game. Awesome crowd. Great environment and I’m just proud that we were able to perform like this. I think during this five-game stretch, we’ve learned a lot about our team. I’ve learned a lot about our team and we have some stuff that we can continue to get better and build on.

What kind of conversations did you have with Bub about maybe being reluctant going to the rim and not just for him but for other guys?

Capel: We want to drive and get to the basket and take what the defense gives us. At times I thought we settled a little bit. There was one play in the second half where we came off of a ball screen and I thought Bub could have gotten all the way to the basket and he settled for a jumper right there. After that we talked about driving, getting to the paint and either you scoring or generating some baskets there. I think he did a heck of a job and for those two freshmen guards to come in this environment to have ten assists and one turnover, that’s pretty great.

Did you see Blake Hinson being a matchup problem going into tonight?

Capel: We think that for every game. I think Blake is one of the better players in the ACC. I think he can be one of the better players in the country. He’s off to an outstanding season, but probably the thing that he’s done best is lead. That’s where he’s really, really grown as a player and he has so much pride in the University of Pittsburgh and so much gratefulness for the city, university, and our program and it permeates throughout every one on our team.

After a performance like that, does it still amaze the coach?

Capel: I’ve seen him do a lot, but more importantly I see how he works. I see the time he puts in on his game, body, and when you work like that, you take care of yourself, and you’re about the right stuff, usually good things happen for you.
