basketball Edit

Capel on the win, the transfer, and more

First and Foremost, it’s good to win again. We had won a couple games and we had lost three out of four and coming off of exam break, this was a game that I was very worried about - just how we would perform because we haven’t competed in a week and we haven’t had a lot of practice time because of exams.

I liked the way we competed. I thought we did some good things, especially defensively. I thought we did a terrific job on (Ryan) Andino, that was a point of emphasis we had during this game, so I’m pleased with that. I thought as the game went on our offense got a little bit better and picked up, so I’m pleased about that. Again, I’m proud of our guys for the way we handled this week with exams and for the effort that we had today.

How much does a game like this allow you as a coach to maybe try some new things out and maybe experiment a little bit?

I don’t think we’re at a point in our program where we can experiment. We’re trying to build habits and create habits and so we’re trying to do what we do and to try to get better at those things - talking, communicating on defense, not being screened - making sure our ball-screen coverage that we’re connected on and we’re doing it the right way - making sure we’re sharing the basketball and trying not to turn the ball over - all those things. So that’s what we’re trying to get out of each game, trying to build those habits where they become second nature too. It’s not right now. We’ve improved but it’s not where we want it to be and where it will be as we continue to work. These games provide us competition, provide us a chance and an opportunity to go against another opponent and gives us a chance to get a win. I thought we took advantage of it today.

What did you see from Khameron Davis today?

Kham has played well. This is his first maybe extended action, but he’s played the past few games, but he’s done well when he got in there. He played really well in his minutes against West Virginia and played well in his minutes here and against Niagara, the last game, Khameron provides energy, he defends. When he was in the game we wanted him on No. 1, Andino. He can make shots when his feet are set. He just has such a great attitude and he’s worked his butt off in practice. He’s a guy that I trust, he’s a guy that I believe in and he’s a guy that is really, really important for us.

Now that you lost a big man this week, does rebounding become more important for you guys?

No, it’s not more important. It’s as important. The guy we lost didn’t rebound for us. That’s the truth and it’s not a knock. It wasn’t like he was playing a lot. So you how to see anyone leave and you wish him well, but rebounding is huge for us period and just because we’re down a man doesn’t mean it becomes even more. All of us have to do it, all of us have to do it and we have to get better. That’s a habit that’s not there.

I was furious on a play, it was two plays in the second half one when Terrell Brown blocked a shot and we didn’t go after it and they went after it and got it and we fouled at the shot clock as the buzzer went off and they get two free-throws. And then there was another one where a shot was missed and we didn’t go after it and the ball actually bounced and went out of bounds. We have to pursue those rebounds, that’s a habit that we don’t have where we go after the ball all the time. I want to pursue that No. 1 because it gets us in transition, we don’t have to take the ball out - we can go right away. And it was a team that was pressing, so we don’t have to play against the press and also that’s a play that happened at the end of the Niagara game where we go like this (gestures) and we expect the ball to go out of bounds and they make a hustle play which I thought was the play of the game. That has to become our habit and we have to continue to work on that.

What did you see that was different about Jared’s game today that allowed him to get those rebounds and be engaged of all phases of the game?

I don’t know if it was anything that was different, I just think that’s how the game was. Obviously his stat line at half was really good, he had 8 points and 9 rebounds and 3 assists and no turnovers. I thought the least impressive thing of it was the eight points and the things that he does. I think Jared is a really good shooter when he has his feet set, but his rebounding, his assists, his playmaking, but more than anything - his voice. He had an energy out there. I thought he made the right play, the correct play the majority of the time, so I was very, very impressed with him and with that. Even in the second half he could have hunted points, but I thought he continue to make the right play and that’s something we need everyone on our team to do.

Did Shamiel (Stevenson) do anything to earn more time today?

Well he played - he got more time today. So we’ll see what happens going forward.

Knowing what’s coming in ACC play, how much do you need everybody to be ready to contribute because of whether it’s back-to-back’s or foul trouble?

We need everyone. We need everyone ready to contribute, everyone ready to come to practice to get better everyday and to work their butts off and we need that everyday. We’re trying to create habits, we’re trying to create winning habits and that’s something that we as a program don’t have that yet and again we’re taking the right steps, but as all of us as adults know that are in here that are adults that a habit is hard to break and so if you can create really good habits - winning habits - that’s infectious in your program and that’s what we’re trying to do.

We’re you surprised at all by Peace Ilegomah’s transfer or by the timing of it or is that something you guys have kind of talked about where you felt he might have had other opportunities elsewhere?

Was not surprised. I had not talked about it, but I was not surprised. Very little surprises me now.

What have you see from Xavier (Johnson) that has allowed him to be as consistent as he has from a scoring perspective as a freshman?

Number one, he talented. He works at it. He had a tough week, he didn’t practice until Friday because of an injury that he’s nursing, so he’s still not at 100%. But he’s a good a player and he’s a guy that wants to be really good, you can coach him hard, you can push him, and yet he’s a worker so I think those are the things that have enabled him to have a good start.
